
Lightweight scikit-learn validation framework. The documentation can be found here.

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In this example, we define the valid parameters for scikit-learn’s LogesticRegression:

from skvalid import Interval, TypeOf, Union, Enum, Const
from numpy.random import RandomState
import numbers

valid_params = {
    "penalty": Enum("l2", "l1", "elasticnet", "none"),
    "dual": TypeOf(bool),
    "tol": Interval(float, lower=0, upper=None, lower_inclusive=False),
    "C": Interval(float, lower=0),
    "fit_intercept": TypeOf(bool),
    "class_weight": Union(TypeOf(dict), Enum('balanced', None)),
    "random_state": TypeOf(int, RandomState, type(None)),
    "solver": Enum("newton-cg", "lbfgs", "liblinear", "sag", "saga", "warn"),
    "max_iter": Interval(int, lower=0),
    "multi_class": Enum("ovr", "multinomial", "auto", "warn"),
    "verbose": Interval(int, lower=0, tags=["control"]),
    "warm_start": TypeOf(bool, tags=["control"]),
    "n_jobs": Union(Interval(int, lower=1, upper=None), Enum(-1, None), tags=["resource"]),
    "l1_ratio": Union(Interval(float, lower=0, upper=1), Const(None)),
    "intercept_scaling": TypeOf(numbers.Real)

With this configuration, we can validate a set of parameters:

from skvalid import validate_parameters
validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(penalty="l2"))
# Does not raise

The following will raise an error:

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(penalty="l3"))
# ValueError: penalty: l3 is not in [l2, l1, elasticnet, none]

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(warm_start="bad"))
# TypeError: warm_start: Bad is not a bool

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(random_state=2.3))
# TypeError: random_state: 2.3 is not a int or RandomState or NoneType

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(class_weight="unbalanced"))
# ValueError: class_weight: unbalanced is not a dict, unbalanced is not in [balanced, None]

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(tol=-1.3))
# ValueError: tol: -1.3 not in (0, inf)

validate_parameters(lr_config, dict(max_iter=-3))
# ValueError: max_iter: -3 not in [0, inf)

Integration with scikit-learn’s LogisticRegression

This light parameter definition scheme can be integrated into scikit-learn’s LogisticRegression as follows:

class LogisticRegression(...):

    valid_params = {
        "penalty": Enum("l2", "l1", "elasticnet", "none"),
        "dual": TypeOf(bool),
        "tol": Interval(float, lower=0, upper=None, lower_inclusive=False),
        "C": Interval(float, lower=0),
        "fit_intercept": TypeOf(bool),
        "class_weight": Union(TypeOf(dict), Enum('balanced', None)),
        "random_state": TypeOf(int, RandomState, type(None)),
        "solver": Enum("newton-cg", "lbfgs", "liblinear", "sag", "saga", "warn"),
        "max_iter": Interval(int, lower=0),
        "multi_class": Enum("ovr", "multinomial", "auto", "warn"),
        "verbose": Interval(int, lower=0, tags=["control"]),
        "warm_start": TypeOf(bool, tags=["control"]),
        "n_jobs": Union(Interval(int, lower=1, upper=None), Enum(-1, None), tags=["resource"]),
        "l1_ratio": Union(Interval(float, lower=0, upper=1), Const(None)),
        "intercept_scaling": TypeOf(numbers.Real)

    def fit(self, X, ...):
        validate_parameters(self.valid_params, self.get_params())

There will be checks in the tests to make sure valid_params and the parameters are consistent.


The tags allow us to define what each parameter is used for. The default tag is tuning which means this parameter is good to hyperparameter search. n_jobs controls the number of resources, thus it has a resource tag. We can have some parameters be tagged as warm_start parameters.


You can install skvalid directly from pypi:

pip install git+


The development version can be installed by running make dev. Then we can lint make lint and tests by running pytest.
